Veronika Jurčenko


Date of birth: 12.05.1998
Place of birth: Riga, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 27 156 103




Year(s) Institution Profession
2005 – 2017 year Riga 72nd secondary school  –
2017 – 2021 year  Latvian Sports Pedagogy Academy Senior fitness trainer and sports teacher

Work experience

Year(s) Position
 2016 – 2021 year  Vasiliev Karate School coach
From 2022 year  R. Sadikova Sports School coach


Started practicing karate at the age of 4 in the Vasiljeva Karate School club. Throughout her sports career, she trained in kata with coach Zhanna Vasilieva. In 2016, they started training and preparing children for competitions in the same club. Since 2019, she has trained parents of athletes in fitness. Since 2018, she has been going to R. Sadikova’s sports school camp as a children’s coach. Since 2022, she has been a coach of the R. Sadikova sports school club.


Multiple Latvian champion and prize winner of international competitions.

WKF (World Karate Federation) and EKF (European Karate Federation) competition participant.


Year(s) What  * Authority
2014 year 1. Dan WKF Latvian Karate Federation